Monday, 8 April 2024
जोड्दैछौ अष्ट्रेलियाका नेपाली
HomeVideoआफ्नै खुट्टामा उभिन थाले रमेश Ramesh Damai begin to Stand up on his leg

आफ्नै खुट्टामा उभिन थाले रमेश Ramesh Damai begin to Stand up on his leg

Ramesh damai who is suffering from ichthyosis, now his condition is improving day by day. 11 years old boy from remote village in Nepal was taken to the hospital in Kathmandu. Nepali journo Saral Gurung and his friend Sarala thapa from UK took initiation to take Ramesh to Hospital. Kathmandu Medical Collage is providing free treatment to him. After 6 months treatment, now he can stand up on his own leg. He will able to walk soon.


यस वेवसाईटमा प्रकाशित समाचार, विचार र लेखबारे तपाईको कुनै प्रतिक्रिया, गुनासो, सुझाव र सल्लाह छन् भने कृपया हामीलाई निम्न ईमेलमा पठाउनुहोला । तपाईको सहयोगले हामीलाई निष्पक्ष र तटस्थ पत्रकारिता गर्न टेवा पुग्नेछ । सम्पर्क इमेल :

तपाईको प्रतिक्रिया
